yeah, more Zombified Stalkers - two on the catwalk and one on ground level, and two Snorks. When you're on the bottom floor you'll find yourself in a large room - there are more enemies ahead. On the second platform is the location of the rare stash Goodies in the electrical outlets, which contains the exceptional Vintar BC. Be aware that descending the ladders is a one-way trip, so make sure you check the area thoroughly and take what you want before descending. The lift is non-functional, so you will need to go down the ladders. A single Snork will spawn behind you near the stairs once you pass through the blast door. Move down the stairs (be mindful of the Burner anomaly on the landing), and dispose of the two Zombified Stalkers in the room ahead. Your starting point is the eastern side of the lab and the your main goals, along with the exit, is on the far western side. You should be more or less used to them by now, having cleared the Yantar factory to get here.

The layout of Lab X-16 is a lot more straightforward and linear than Lab X-18, however this one is filled with both Zombified Stalkers and Snorks.